September 16, 2014
The next EUROPARC Annual Conference: "Understanding the value of nature", will take place from 28th September until Wednesday, 1st October 2014, in Killarney, Ireland. An exciting programme "Understanding the Value of Nature" will be investigated through good keynote speeches with protected area relevance, in depth workshop looking at practical application and stimulating field trips across the beautiful south of Ireland to see some practical examples. During the conference BIOEUPARKS project will be presented by Senta Schmatzberger from FNR, the Agency for Renewable Resources (Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V.).
WORKSHOP TITLE: The Value of Protected Areas for Climate Change and Renewable Energy
1th October 2014
With floods, droughts, raised sea levels and changing biodiversity, the effects of climate change are likely to become more pronounced in Europe. Protected areas are a key natural solution to climate change, and need to be seen as part of the actions governments can take to both mitigate and adapt to climate change. How do protected areas respond to the challenge of renewables across Europe? Protected areas are working together to coordinate management and show in action the need to work internationally to combat climate change.
• Micheal O Briain, EU Commission, DG Environment will highlight the EC guidelines on N2000 and Climate change.
• Senta Schmatzberger, BioEUParks project (IT) aims to develop an efficient and sustainable biomass supply chain in 5 European Nature Parks. The project seeks to develop an approach that overcomes the lack of transparency on decision making processes to deal with community concerns that biomass is intrusive or potentially dangerous for environment, health and landscape.
The workshop will consider how protected areas identify the effects of climate change in their park systems and how they can identify the important role parks play in mitigation. What changes have been measured and how adaptive management is needed to address these ongoing changes and further consider what is the role of N2000 sites and protected areas in supporting renewable energy production.
Conference website:
Facebook conference dedicated page:
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