Developing an efficient and sustainable biomass supply chain in 5 European Nature Parks

Projekt BIOEUPARKS se izvaja pod okriljem programa IEE (Intelligent Energy – Europe) v okviru prioritete lesna biomasa. Poslanstvo projekta je organizirati oziroma povečati lokalne biomasne verige iz gozdov s trajnostnim gospodarjenjem ter iz kmetijskih ostankov do končnih porabnikov v petih evropskih naravnih parkih.
Projekt podpira kratke,  lokalne verige ter proizvodnjo energije manjšega obsega. Cilji in poslanstvo projekta se bodo dosegli s pristopom, ki predvideva sonačrtovanje in sooblikovanje s ključnimi lokalnimi akterji.
V ta namen bodo organizirana številna srečanja, okrogle mize in individualni razgovori, katerih namen bo preseči morebitne ovire in konflikte med posameznimi akterji.
Projekt bo v nadaljevanju prispeval tudi k temu, da bodo upravljavci zavarovanih območij pridobili določene izkušnje pri trajnostni rabi biomase znotraj zavarovanih območij.



BioEUParks project has been selected as one of the four success stories which will be showcased during the "Bioenergy in the EU: Converting policies into impacts" which will be held in Brussels in 6 October. This is the final event  to present the results of the impact assessment performed in the tender "Review of bioenergy projects implemented under IEE II", which started in May 2015 and will end in November 2016. The scope of the tender is to assess the impact and achievement of the 47 bioenergy project supported under the European programme Intelligent Energy Europe in its second phase.
The event will foresee two Panel discussions involving representatives from DG Agriculture and Rural Development, DG Energy, DG Environment, DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and...

Bioeuparks events

14 June 2016

Solktaler Nature Park presented the results of the BioEUParksproject at the Conference "Bioenergy and environmental protection“, held today in Vienna.  The conference was promoted by the Austrian Biomass Association with the aim of illustrating the impacts of biomass use on the environment. The meeting was an opportunity to refer about the concrete actions carried out in 5 european natural parks thanks to the project and to higlilght the environmental and social sustainability principles that BioEUParks partners implemented during the set up of the supply chains.


Project updates

BioEUParks project borns to answer to a crucial question: how to match nature and biodiversity conservation with sustainable exploitation of woody biomass for energy purpose? This implies to change the perspective when looking at the bioenergy policy: putting the respect of nature and the preservation of ecosystem and biodiversity as the starting point. At the same time, this choice implies a new way to see the Parks’ role, not only a body in charge of managing natural and protected areas, but also a key actor in trigger new way of local development matching nature conservation and social and economic growth. So how the project proposes to the parks to...